Well today I'm 31 weeks. I can not believe I have only 9 weeks to go! There were slow months and fast months. The past two months went by quick. Our state's homeschool convention was June 10 & 11. We had a great time. My husband & I agreed and felt good about purchasing the My Father's World Kindergarden curriculum for Chris this year. Here is a pic. of all we got in it:

Total for this is $189.00. This is actually a great price in comparison to other curriculums out there. In addition future children are $29.95 plus the cost of new ants and butterflies. My Father's World advertises that they are a blend of Charlotte Mason's ideas and claassical education w/a Biblical worldview. It has the paperwork for my husband and the lessons are only 60 - 90 minutes total which is agreeable w/Charlotte Mason plus tons of hands on learning which is also CM and great for my boys! In addition, it teaches Creation as the foundation of the world so no dinosaur eras and all that junk, which we both love.
Here are a few extras we picked up while there:

On to baby wipes - we decided to go cloth wipes and diapers with this baby boy. I tried the gdiapers w/Zack and they were no good. I've heard great things about cloth wipes and diapers and it just feels right. So far I made 27 cloth wipes using all extra materials! The cost $0! Unless you count thread so like 50 cents for all. What I love is that that is my total. No running to the store and spending $15/month on wipes. When we get low they go in the wash at home. Seems more convient than disposables in my opinion. We'll see! These were so easy to make. I mainly found suggestions for 8x8. Most of mine are around 9x9. You just cut your squares and serge away or fold under and straight stitch. I found it comepletely satisfying. :)

My total stack!

Some wipes I made from an old stained shirt!
These are actually my favorite. They are so soft.
from bedsheets I made for the boys last winter.
That's all for now!