Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Missions

Mission of the Month

Yes - I know - Gone for so long! Lots of excuses .. but I shall not bore you with them. ;) I'm really going to try to blog on some kind of regularity. I have all these plans in my head and just none seem to come out from my fingers to the keyboard and onto my blog!

With that said onto the good stuff. I've been enjoying Mama Jenn's little blogspot lately. She has a mission of the month. I've been doing weekly missions on my own the last three weeks so I thought this would be a fun way to help hold myself accountable (in some form) with my personal goals.

My November Missions:
  • Make all of Babystep#1 Preflight Check my daily routine
  • Print out and deliver kids' size info. for grandparents and finish wishlist
  • Finish Nathanael's first year baby album
  • Catch up on Project Life
  • Completely prepare for Advent
  • Have Christmas card pictures taken
  • Have school year pics. taken and Nathanael's 1 year old pics.
  • Start the Belly Fat Cure with husband
  • make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
Well that's it ... my November Goals!!! Can't wait to get started ... I just love lists and goals :) Thanks Mama Jenn for feeding my list and goal need while encouraging me to be productive with myself and my home!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that I'm not the only one feeling like the months are flying by! I love the Mama Jenn Mission of the Month idea. I need to read up on that more and list some of my missions. Seems like there are too many to list sometimes! The pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sound great! Maybe you can share the recipe if you have a chance. :) Hope your week is going well.
