Weather Observation: We cut out a four day forecast from our Sunday paper and then recorded on each day two times what he observed. He wrote the days and times and I wrote the descriptions that he gave me.

Day 1
I think the Creation study is a great intro. to school and it's easy, fun, quick, and teaching them the foundation of the world.
4(24pk)Crayola Crayons .99, 25 3prong folders .01, 8(8ct)pencils .01
Total Spent: $4.50
This week's special:25 (4oz)glue bottles .01, 2(100ct) index cards .25, 2 (10ct)Bic mechanical pencils .25
Total Spent: $1.31
Last week when I went to Wal-Mart sometime later I seen their Crayola crayons were .25! So I had to look at the price of everything else I bought at Staples and it still saved me around $3 to buy the materials at Staples (which is closer to us than Wal-Mart).
This week's special the mechanical pencils aren't pictured in their packs because as soon as I got home my husband broke into them! He seemed very pleased with me buying him mechanical pencils.
I'm looking forward to more Staples deals! & maybe Office Max & Office Depot stepping up their game :)
Foundational Value - Practical Living Skills, Eye-hand Coordination, Developement of Concentration, Perparation for Reading (left to right)
Foundational Value: Practical Living Skills, Eye-hand Coordination, Development of Concentration, Preparation for Reading, Pincer Grasp
Foundational Value - Eye-hand Coordination, Pincer Grasp, Development of Concentration, Development of Visual Discrimination
The boys are loving their trays! It is really nice and fun for them to do these as the start of the school day. Right now it takes us 1 hour to go through all six trays. The only "problem" I'm seeing is that with having only one table they tend to pay attention to each other. If the other is done with a tray the other wants to be done and go on to what the other is doing. I tried my best to encourage them to not pay attention to the other and concentrate on what they were doing and it went better this morning. I'm so glad I came across this book and look forward to reviewing it and applying more that's in it!
The boys on their first day:
They enjoyed their first day and so did I. :)